I love you, I love you, I love you! Maybe if you say it every other time you open your mouth it might be to much but as long as you say it at least twice in the day you're good to go. In the morning and right before bed. And if you don't like to say it or if it's just to hard to say it at least show it in some way...and make sure the person you're trying to tell understand the way you're telling them. If you don't understand what I'm saying, just read the book on the five love languages. Now how does this relates to me and my life, well, I really don't have anything profound to say. I just know that it's important and it's so great to hear. Knowing that someone out there cares for you and thought enough about you to say it, what a great feeling.
Now to the learning how to breath. We all know a great lack of sleep and no time for yourself tends to put you on the ends of your rope. I've realised that being a new parent can do this to you. With that, I've tried some little things that have helped and others, well not as much. One thing I'm trying to relax while I'm driving to work and where ever else I go. Living here in a college town makes it a little harder. There are so many crazy drivers!!! Ahhh they drive me crazy!!! I'm trying not to let them get to me though... :-} Well what I've been trying, and seems to work almost all the time, is not worrying about coming in last place. You'd think that driving the speed limit would be easy, ha, I wish. When I started doing this, every time time someone would pass me, it was like a slap in the face. I could feel it every time and man did it hurt. Now I'm more or less numb to the pain. I just breath slowly in and out anytime someone passes and it makes me feel a little better each time. (big sigh) Stress level down!
Being a new mom I took that concept right back home. I love my lil'miss like there's no tomorrow but sometime like my driving, I can just get so stressed. Like those days that everything is bugging her and she wont stuff fussin' over everything then tops it off with a night of no sleep. Just breath, Just breath, Just...breath.... Oh ya, you all know what I'm talking about.
So remember to smile, say I love you and just take a deep breath. (you can even slip in a good bowl of ice cream).
Love you all and have a great rest of the day.
Wow that was awesome Jen! I can totally relate. Kinda reminds me of the day I had today. Started out different then the rest! I enjoyed it and changed my thought from everything is against me to habit of happiness and every thing fell into place. I enjoyed what I do and it makes me feel like smiling when ever I think of it. You Jen help inspire me to write more, not better just more! I love to write as well if you have seen my blog. I will be write more seriously in the next couple months. I was having fun with my last blog. So my comment to your writing is this: enjoy life as it comes to you and try to make a habit of happiness when you feel like braking down. Because your day will seem like it is falling apart with out it but one look at your baby and all is right in the world! Even if she has her fits <3